Professor John Wilson gave an academic lecture on "Sustainable Development and Inequality"

Publisher :丁绪武Release time:2022-11-17Number of views:10

In order to better guide teachers and students to accumulate academic research experience, the school of management invited Professor John Wilson, to give an online lecture entitled Sustainable Development and Inequality through Tencent conference platform on October 25th 2022. The lecture was hosted by Prof. Menghui Qiu, who is the associate dean of the school of management. There were more than 300 teachers and students participated in the online lecture.

In this online lecture, Professor John Wilson first introduced the issue of sustainable development with the issue of annual climate change. In addition, the report focused on the moral ethics and economic principles involved in solving the problems of sustainable development and inequality, and finally gave solutions to the problems of sustainable development and inequality. At the end of the lecture, the teachers and students had a full discussion with Professor John Wilson about the global sustainable development and inequality. The teachers and students agreed that the lecture provided a reference for academic research.